Watercolor Cocktail Menu
This menu includes one editable template for your cocktail / drinks menu. All text is editable, and you can change the font color / text style as well! It includes 17 different drink illustrations to choose from, so there's almost certainly a drawing that's close to the cocktails you'll be serving!
You can download in standard US sizing (5x7) and Europe/ rest of the world sizing (A5).
It includes tips for prinitng and a small tutorial for how to switch drink illustrations and edit text color and border color.
Drinks included:
margarita, spicy margarita, martini, spicy martini, espresso martini, aperol spritz, campari, negroni, old fashioned, gin and tonic, sangria or pimms, bloody mary and more.
This menu includes one editable template for your cocktail / drinks menu. All text is editable, and you can change the font color / text style as well! It includes 17 different drink illustrations to choose from, so there's almost certainly a drawing that's close to the cocktails you'll be serving!
You can download in standard US sizing (5x7) and Europe/ rest of the world sizing (A5).
It includes tips for prinitng and a small tutorial for how to switch drink illustrations and edit text color and border color.
Drinks included:
margarita, spicy margarita, martini, spicy martini, espresso martini, aperol spritz, campari, negroni, old fashioned, gin and tonic, sangria or pimms, bloody mary and more.
This menu includes one editable template for your cocktail / drinks menu. All text is editable, and you can change the font color / text style as well! It includes 17 different drink illustrations to choose from, so there's almost certainly a drawing that's close to the cocktails you'll be serving!
You can download in standard US sizing (5x7) and Europe/ rest of the world sizing (A5).
It includes tips for prinitng and a small tutorial for how to switch drink illustrations and edit text color and border color.
Drinks included:
margarita, spicy margarita, martini, spicy martini, espresso martini, aperol spritz, campari, negroni, old fashioned, gin and tonic, sangria or pimms, bloody mary and more.