Cocktail tower & champagne tower drinks menu
This menu includes 3 editable template for your cocktail / drinks menu. All text is editable, and you can change the font color / text style as well! It includes 3 different designs to choose from: an espresso martini tower, a cocktail / pornstar martini tower and a classic champagne tower with bottle and initials that can be personalised!
You can download in standard US sizing (5x7) and Europe/ rest of the world sizing (A5).
It includes tips for printing.
This menu includes 3 editable template for your cocktail / drinks menu. All text is editable, and you can change the font color / text style as well! It includes 3 different designs to choose from: an espresso martini tower, a cocktail / pornstar martini tower and a classic champagne tower with bottle and initials that can be personalised!
You can download in standard US sizing (5x7) and Europe/ rest of the world sizing (A5).
It includes tips for printing.
This menu includes 3 editable template for your cocktail / drinks menu. All text is editable, and you can change the font color / text style as well! It includes 3 different designs to choose from: an espresso martini tower, a cocktail / pornstar martini tower and a classic champagne tower with bottle and initials that can be personalised!
You can download in standard US sizing (5x7) and Europe/ rest of the world sizing (A5).
It includes tips for printing.